
Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

One hundred and forty thousand fans pay to be in the main Manchester United Club.
But there are 200 Man U fan clubs in Britain and there are fan clubs in twenty-four other countries.

I have finished this book.

sort / 種類、タイプ
That sort of thing.

frightening / びっくりするほど、恐ろしいほど
This is frightening!

footed / 足のある、足のついた
A sure-footed defender.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

Alex Ferguson is a manager of the Manchester United since 1986.
He think, young player is very important.
He brought up many star player like David Beckham, Gary Neville and more.

loud / 騒々しい、 うるさい
Ron Atokinson is a big, loud man from Liverpool, the opposite of quiet Matt Busby.

maine / =main
United played at Manchester City's ground, Maine Road.

Aberdeen / アバディーン
Aberdeen was a very successful team in the Scottish League when Alex Ferguson was manager.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

In 1958 the plane which was ridden by players of the Manchester United crashed.
Then 21 players died and 8 players was alive.

Belgrade / ベオグラード
Two months later, on 5 February, Gregg was in the team which played Red Star Belgrade in European Cup.

Munich / ミュンヘン
The team flew to Munich to join their plane to Manchester.

trainee / 見習い、実習生
He was in United's Youth Team and did all the usual trainee jobs.

thin / 細い、痩せた
Law was thin, but very fit, and he headed the ball well.

Wales / ウェールズ
In 1991 he was Wales's youngest player ever, when he played for them against Gemany.

posh / しゃれた、上流の
Beckham has a famous wife - Victoria Adams, 'Posh Spice' of the Spice Girls.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

In 1960s Manchester United have played 2-3-5.
In 1990s they have played 4-2-4.

tactics / 作戦、戦略
Tactics were usually the same in every game.

Celtic / ケルト族の
They wanted to call the club Manchester Central or Manchester Celtic.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

I went to the library to borrow a new one.
This book is written about Manchester United of the football team.
Do you know about Manchester United?
It is the most famous football team in the world.
In the 1999, Manchester United have won three times champions, FA Cup, The league and European Championship.

pour / 押し寄せる、殺到する、流れ出る
The streets of Manchester were quiet and empty for ninety minutes, but then the fans poured on to the streets around Old Trafford.

triumph / 勝利、征服
Boys return in triumph.

triumphant / 勝利を得た、勝ち誇った
Everybody in Manchester stopped work yesterday when the triumphant United team brought the European Cup home.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

Recently Women's soccer is more becoming lively.
Many countries have a national women's team.
I finished reading this book and, I will borrow new one.

Zaire / ザイール(コンゴ民主共和国)
Zaire was the first black African country to go to the World Cup in 1974.

sponsorship / 後援、名づけ、資金援助
There is more and more money in soccer today from TV and sponsorship.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

Some great players yield to the pressure.
Diego Maradona was a greatest player, but he used drugs.
George Best retired player at 26 years old by alcohol dependency.
Soccer have a dark side.
On 2 July, Andres Escobal of Colombia was killed by Colombian supporters because On 22 June, he mistook and scored wrong goal for USA in World cup.

terrible / ひどい、とても下手な、恐ろしい
Sometimes the weather is bad, the game is terrible and there are no goals.

autograph / 自筆、サイン
When people see you in the street, they ask you for your autograph.