
Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

In 1958 the plane which was ridden by players of the Manchester United crashed.
Then 21 players died and 8 players was alive.

Belgrade / ベオグラード
Two months later, on 5 February, Gregg was in the team which played Red Star Belgrade in European Cup.

Munich / ミュンヘン
The team flew to Munich to join their plane to Manchester.

trainee / 見習い、実習生
He was in United's Youth Team and did all the usual trainee jobs.

thin / 細い、痩せた
Law was thin, but very fit, and he headed the ball well.

Wales / ウェールズ
In 1991 he was Wales's youngest player ever, when he played for them against Gemany.

posh / しゃれた、上流の
Beckham has a famous wife - Victoria Adams, 'Posh Spice' of the Spice Girls.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

In 1960s Manchester United have played 2-3-5.
In 1990s they have played 4-2-4.

tactics / 作戦、戦略
Tactics were usually the same in every game.

Celtic / ケルト族の
They wanted to call the club Manchester Central or Manchester Celtic.


Manchester United

A title : Manchester United
The author : Kevin Brophy
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 3.2

I went to the library to borrow a new one.
This book is written about Manchester United of the football team.
Do you know about Manchester United?
It is the most famous football team in the world.
In the 1999, Manchester United have won three times champions, FA Cup, The league and European Championship.

pour / 押し寄せる、殺到する、流れ出る
The streets of Manchester were quiet and empty for ninety minutes, but then the fans poured on to the streets around Old Trafford.

triumph / 勝利、征服
Boys return in triumph.

triumphant / 勝利を得た、勝ち誇った
Everybody in Manchester stopped work yesterday when the triumphant United team brought the European Cup home.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

Recently Women's soccer is more becoming lively.
Many countries have a national women's team.
I finished reading this book and, I will borrow new one.

Zaire / ザイール(コンゴ民主共和国)
Zaire was the first black African country to go to the World Cup in 1974.

sponsorship / 後援、名づけ、資金援助
There is more and more money in soccer today from TV and sponsorship.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

Some great players yield to the pressure.
Diego Maradona was a greatest player, but he used drugs.
George Best retired player at 26 years old by alcohol dependency.
Soccer have a dark side.
On 2 July, Andres Escobal of Colombia was killed by Colombian supporters because On 22 June, he mistook and scored wrong goal for USA in World cup.

terrible / ひどい、とても下手な、恐ろしい
Sometimes the weather is bad, the game is terrible and there are no goals.

autograph / 自筆、サイン
When people see you in the street, they ask you for your autograph.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

The history of the soccer is long.
A kind of soccer was played in China and Japan nearly two thousand years ago.
Now, soccer is spreading all over the world.
The world cup final in 1998 was seen bymore than 2 billion people.

wanderer / ワンダラー、放浪者、さすらい人
The wanderers won the first FA cup final.

federation / 連盟、連邦
Many other countries followed, including the US Soccer Federation in 1914, and the Japanese Football Association in 1921.

billion / 10億
Soccer is now a 250 billion dollar business.



A title : SOCCER
The author : Steve Flinders
Publisher : Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
Year of the publication : 2001
YL : 2.6

I borrowed a new book which is written about soccer.
I will enjoying to read this book because I like soccer very much.

First of all this book is written about rule of the soccer.
The official English name for the game of soccer is Association Football.
Association Football is called Soccer because it take SOC of the Association.

substitute / 代用品、交代選手
If a player is hurt and has to leave the field, another player -a substitute- can take his or her place.

tie / 同点になる
competition / 競争、コンペ、コンクール
In some competitions if the the game ends as a tie there is extra time, and then penalty kicks are used to find the winner.



A title : BRAD PITT
The author : NANCY TAYLOR
Publisher : Pearson Education Limited
Year of the publication : 2000
YL : 2.2

Brad became a bigger star, and everybody knew his name.
Then he appeared 2 movies SEVEN and 12 MONKEYS.
SEVEN surprised everybody.
It made $13,000,000 in the movie thaters in a first weekend.
12 MONKEYS made a lot of money too.
He became a superstar in the world.
On July 29 2000, Brad got marred Jennifer Aninston.
People say he is a little crazy, really nice, a lot of fun, intelligent, and sexy.

I have finished reading the BRAD PITT.
I will borrow a new book in the library.

detective / 探偵、刑事
Brad plays a young detective in Seven.



A title : BRAD PITT
The author : NANCY TAYLOR
Publisher : Pearson Education Limited
Year of the publication : 2000
YL : 2.2

He appeared on many movies satisfactorily.
He has a girlfriend, and Badd and Juliette lived in the same house.
They co-star in a film "Kalifornia".
But, 1993, he ended his romance with girlfriend that associate with for 3 years.

depressing / 人を気落ちさせる、憂鬱な、重苦しい
Maybe the story was too depressing for most Americans.

reservoir / ため池、貯水池
reservoir dogs / 掃き溜めの犬たち
After Tarantino's movie, Reservoir Dogs, everybody in Hollywood wanted to work with him.

scientology / サイエントロジー(能力開発をめざす新興宗教)
Juliette and a number of other Hollywood actors were serious about the Church of Scientology.



A title : BRAD PITT
The author : NANCY TAYLOR
Publisher : Pearson Education Limited
Year of the publication : 2000
YL : 2.2

Brad Pitt left college on the way, and he went to Hollywood to be aa actor.
At first he lived with 7 men on community life.
His work was gradually increase.
His popularity spread gradually too.
He is popular with women.

thirtysomething / 30歳代の
He had roles in TV programs: Head of the Class (1988), 21 Jump Street (1988, with Johnny Depp), and thirtysomething (1989).

stoning / 投石刑
county / 郡の、州の
He had work in movies, too: A Stoning in Fulham County (1988), Across the Tracks (1991), and other film work.

cape / 岬
fear / 恐怖感、おびえ
Juliette went to Florida for Cape Fear with Robert DeNiro.



This is a fall semester.
I went to the library to borrow a new book.
This book is written about Bradd Pitt.
It is easy to read this book, because there are few difficult words.
I like Bladd Pitt, and he is very cool!

A title : BRAD PITT
The author : NANCY TAYLOR
Publisher : Pearson Education Limited
Year of the publication : 2000
YL : 2.2

brief / 短時間の、つかのまの
One different was The Brief Boys.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

As Christianity spread, gladiator shows disappeared.
I have finished reading GLADIATORS.
It was very interesting.
However I could read only 2 books in spring semester.
I intend to read more books in autumn semester.

flock / 群がる
For 800 years, Romans flocked to gladiator shows.

spill / こぼす、あふれ出る
gore / 血のり
In all that time, there is little record of anyone speaking out against all the violence, spilt guts and gore.

bloodthirsty / 血に飢えた、残虐な
The boodthirsty violence went against their religion and culture.

forbid / 禁ずる、許さない
existence / 存在、 
"We totally forbid the existence of gladiators," he said in the year 325.


The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

The most famous gladiator was Spartacus.
He fought the Roman army as a ringleader of the slave revolt with the large group of 90,000 slaves.
At one time, they defeated the Roman army and gained control south Italy, but it was suppressioned in Crassus and Spartacus dead in battle.

capture / 捕らえる、捕虜にする
For reasons we don't know, he ran away, but was captured and sold into slavery.

plot / たくらみ、構想
They plotted at night and whenever they could sneak away from the guards.

charm / 魅力
convince / 納得させる、確信させる
With his charm and intelligence, Spartacus managed to convince many other gladiators to escape as well.

declare / 宣言する、布告する
"Let's make a strike for freedom," he declared, "rather than die for the amusement of others."



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

There was the very cruel emperor in the Roman at one time.
His name is Commodus.
He killed large quantity of gladiator.
He repeated slaughter pick up the internal organs like that.

admire / 敬服する、感心する
Although they were admired for their bravery in the arena, gladiators were seen as the lowest of the low in roman society.

bloodthirsty / 血に飢えた、残虐な
fame / 名声、有名
So it was a shock when some upper class Romans - and even a few bloodthirsty, fame-hungry emperors- took to the arena to fight as gladiators.

jeer / ひやかす、やじる
unsuspecting / 疑っていない、怪しまない
Caligula kept his face hidden during fights,, until he heard jeers from unsuspecting members of the crowd.

stab / 刺す
He was stabbed to death in the year 41, after less than four years as emperor.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

I will increase quantity to read more from now on.

carving / 彫刻
graffiti / 掻き文字、落書き
gravestone / 墓石
Professional graffiti artists advertise the show by carving messages wherever they can - on shop walls and even on gravestones.

feast / 祝宴
huge / 巨大な
a huge feast is held for the gladiators.

gorge / 食道
stare / じっと見つめる
slaughter / 殺すこと、大量殺人
Some gorge themselves on the fine food, while others just stare into space, sick at the thought of tommrow's slaughter.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

The colosseum was able to accommodate 50,000 spectators.
While Rome fell 1,500 years ago, the Colosseum still stands, and remains one of the greatest masterpieces of world artchitecture.
In Colosseums, there was fights between animals too in addition to Gladiators battle.
Changing the subject, if an animal fights one on one, hippopotamus semms to be the strongest.

take place / 起こる
At first gladiator fights took place just about anywhere -

collapse / 崩壊する
Many caught fire, or collapsed during shows.

settlement / 解決、決着
Soon, they were popping up all over italy, and in every important Roman settlement abroad.

surpass / まさる、凌ぐ
magnificence / 壮大、豪華
enginering / 機関学、工学
But there was one that surpassed all others in size, engineering and magnificence: the Colossum in Rome.

craftsman / 職人
He hired the best architects and craftsmen to build the biggest stadium Rome had ever seen.

ingeniously / 巧妙に
Ingeniously constructed to seat 50,000 spectators, it was even larger than most football stadiums today.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

The buying and selling of the slave was performed the past.
It is hardly thought now.
Originally a lot of gladietors were slaves too.

scattered / 点在している
Special gladiator training schools, called ludi, were scattered all over the Roman.

terrifying / 恐ろしい
Starting gladiator school was terrifying.

whip / ~をむち打つ
branding iron / (家畜に印を押す)焼きごて
"I accept the whip, the branding iron and the sword to punish me"

Pompeii / ポンペイ(イタリアの古都)
ceiling / 天井
inmate / 収容者
The prison in Pompeii had heavy iron leg chains and low ceilings, so inmates could only sit down.

cell / 小部屋、小屋
guarded / 監視された
Gladiatirs slept in small, dark cells and were guarded at all times.

oatmeal / オートムギ、オートミール
barley / 大麦
So they hired the best doctors, cooks and masseurs, and fed their men boiled beans, oatmeal and barley grains

flourish 繁茂する、繁栄する
They all needed to learn to fight with flourish



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

Gladually, gladiator fights had become one of the most popular forms of entertainment. At the bigining, gladiator was the light equipments. They increased some equipments to be long the match because fights became a entertainment. According to the book, The weight seemd to has 4 kg only with a heimet.

funeral / 礼拝、葬式
The very first gladiator fights were held at the funeral celebrations of important roman officials,

Etruscan / エトルリア人
Some Roman thought the idea had come from the Etruscans,

haunt / 出没する
The aim was to stop their ghosts from coming back to haunt the living.

Greek / ギリシャ人
sacrifice / 犠牲、いけにえ
The Greeks didn't just have human sacrifices at funerals-

cattle / 牛、家畜
We'll have it in the main cattle market

lunge / 突進する、突き出す
The first pair of slaves stepped up to each other and lunged forward with a clash of steel.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

I borrowed a second book.
I read chapter 1 and knew that there were various type of the gladiators.
For example, a person with a dagger, with a bow with a spear. some of them rode a horse.
There was a gladiator of the woman at the begining.

admire / 敬服する
adore / 敬愛する
entertain / 楽しませる
huge / 巨大な
crowd / 観衆
Admired by men and adored by women, gladiators were trained fighters who entertained huge crowds in Ancient Rome.

ripple / 波打つ
Dressed to impress in shining metals, with rippling muscles on show, gladiators fought in arenas all over the Roman Empire.

cheer / 声援、喝采
They entered to wild cheers from the crowd.

slave / 奴隷
criminal / 犯罪の、罪人
prisoners / 囚人、前科者
Most gladiators were slaves, criminals or prisoners of war, sold to gladiator owners and forced to fight.


The author : Kate McMullan
Publisher : Cartwheel .B.O.O.K.S.
Year of the publication : 1999
YL : 1.2~1.6

Last of the story
The firefighters began fighting the fire.
They turned water hoses and climbed tall ladders and broke the roof.
FLUFFY watched from the fire engine.
He respected them because they were very brave.
He wished to become part of a firefighting team.
At last Firefighters came back to the fire engine.
They had saved people's lives.
FLUFFY said "how can I be a firefighter?"
They drove back to the firehouse.
Then, firefighter Tom carried FLUFFY down the hall.
There was a one dog his name is Spike.
FLUFFY and Spike slept together happily.
"Wake up, Firefighters FLUFFY!" a voice said.
He woke up.
He saw students and teacher.
Everyone held a poster.
Every poster had a pictere of FLUFFY on it.
"Now FLUFFY is a firefighter after all !"
He was glad.


ladder / はしご
A ladder truck pulled up next to the engine.

smudge / 汚れる
Their faces smudged with smoke.

firehouse / 消防署
Carolina drove back to the firehouse.

I have finished all reading.
And I will borrow next book.


The author : Kate McMullan
Publisher : Cartwheel.B.O.O.K.S.
Year of publication : 1999

Middle of the story
At first Fluffy was frightened, but he immediately noticed that they are firefighters.
Students and fluffy went to outside with firefighters to see the fire engine which was parked.
Firefighters Tom and Mike let the kids sit in the cab the fire engine.
Last turn was Wade of student and Fluffy.
Then Wade climbed out of the cab to see fire hose.
Fluffy was alone in the cab of the fire engine.
And he imagined became a firefighter.
For example, drove the fire engine fast and extinguished a fire bravery.
He was intoxicated a with delusion.
suddenly, firefighter Carolina had jumped into the driver's seat.
She drove away from the school.
The place that arrived was the real fire spot.....

scared / おびえた、びっくりした
Don't be scared of me.

fire engine / 消防車
Our fire engine is parked outside

Chauffeur / お抱え運転手
We call her the chauffeur

Jeepers / ありゃー、うわー
Jeepers! thought Fluffy

pump / ポンプでくみあげる
It pumps water

honk / 警笛を鳴らす
He honked the horn

steer/ まねをする
He pretended to steer the engine

cab / 運転席
He climbed into the cab

hydrant / 消火栓
Fruffy connected a hose to a fire hydrant

yikes / うわっ、ぎゃー
Yikes! thought Fruffy


I have borrowed a English book from a library and read it. This is first time. Because I have borrowed a simple simple level.

The author : Kate McMullan

Half of the story
A one guinea pig was kept at school. His name is FLUFFY. One day, firefighters visited to a school to teach their jobs. At the time, FLUFFY was sleeping. He woke up by sounds of the applause. Because of firefighters have mask and tank he mistook them for alien.....

nap / 昼ね
He was having his morning nap

hide / 覆う 隠す
Never ever hide from a firefighter


How to learn English.

 I am interested in abroad very much. However, I can't use the English because I didn't study English recentry. But I will try to study English because I became a junior and I have many time to spare.
I read "How to Learn English" and I think so too. English is not only study grammar but also be used with English. Because I will read many English books.

・overemphasize /~を過度に強調する
・sufficient /十分な
grammar is often overemphasized while students do not have sufficient opportunities to get used to English. 
・determining / 決定的な
 you will have trouble determining                                     
・definition /定義、明確
 you probably will not need to try to recall the definition