

The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

The buying and selling of the slave was performed the past.
It is hardly thought now.
Originally a lot of gladietors were slaves too.

scattered / 点在している
Special gladiator training schools, called ludi, were scattered all over the Roman.

terrifying / 恐ろしい
Starting gladiator school was terrifying.

whip / ~をむち打つ
branding iron / (家畜に印を押す)焼きごて
"I accept the whip, the branding iron and the sword to punish me"

Pompeii / ポンペイ(イタリアの古都)
ceiling / 天井
inmate / 収容者
The prison in Pompeii had heavy iron leg chains and low ceilings, so inmates could only sit down.

cell / 小部屋、小屋
guarded / 監視された
Gladiatirs slept in small, dark cells and were guarded at all times.

oatmeal / オートムギ、オートミール
barley / 大麦
So they hired the best doctors, cooks and masseurs, and fed their men boiled beans, oatmeal and barley grains

flourish 繁茂する、繁栄する
They all needed to learn to fight with flourish

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