

The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

As Christianity spread, gladiator shows disappeared.
I have finished reading GLADIATORS.
It was very interesting.
However I could read only 2 books in spring semester.
I intend to read more books in autumn semester.

flock / 群がる
For 800 years, Romans flocked to gladiator shows.

spill / こぼす、あふれ出る
gore / 血のり
In all that time, there is little record of anyone speaking out against all the violence, spilt guts and gore.

bloodthirsty / 血に飢えた、残虐な
The boodthirsty violence went against their religion and culture.

forbid / 禁ずる、許さない
existence / 存在、 
"We totally forbid the existence of gladiators," he said in the year 325.


The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

The most famous gladiator was Spartacus.
He fought the Roman army as a ringleader of the slave revolt with the large group of 90,000 slaves.
At one time, they defeated the Roman army and gained control south Italy, but it was suppressioned in Crassus and Spartacus dead in battle.

capture / 捕らえる、捕虜にする
For reasons we don't know, he ran away, but was captured and sold into slavery.

plot / たくらみ、構想
They plotted at night and whenever they could sneak away from the guards.

charm / 魅力
convince / 納得させる、確信させる
With his charm and intelligence, Spartacus managed to convince many other gladiators to escape as well.

declare / 宣言する、布告する
"Let's make a strike for freedom," he declared, "rather than die for the amusement of others."



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

There was the very cruel emperor in the Roman at one time.
His name is Commodus.
He killed large quantity of gladiator.
He repeated slaughter pick up the internal organs like that.

admire / 敬服する、感心する
Although they were admired for their bravery in the arena, gladiators were seen as the lowest of the low in roman society.

bloodthirsty / 血に飢えた、残虐な
fame / 名声、有名
So it was a shock when some upper class Romans - and even a few bloodthirsty, fame-hungry emperors- took to the arena to fight as gladiators.

jeer / ひやかす、やじる
unsuspecting / 疑っていない、怪しまない
Caligula kept his face hidden during fights,, until he heard jeers from unsuspecting members of the crowd.

stab / 刺す
He was stabbed to death in the year 41, after less than four years as emperor.



The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9

I will increase quantity to read more from now on.

carving / 彫刻
graffiti / 掻き文字、落書き
gravestone / 墓石
Professional graffiti artists advertise the show by carving messages wherever they can - on shop walls and even on gravestones.

feast / 祝宴
huge / 巨大な
a huge feast is held for the gladiators.

gorge / 食道
stare / じっと見つめる
slaughter / 殺すこと、大量殺人
Some gorge themselves on the fine food, while others just stare into space, sick at the thought of tommrow's slaughter.