The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9
There was the very cruel emperor in the Roman at one time.
His name is Commodus.
He killed large quantity of gladiator.
He repeated slaughter pick up the internal organs like that.
admire / 敬服する、感心する
Although they were admired for their bravery in the arena, gladiators were seen as the lowest of the low in roman society.
bloodthirsty / 血に飢えた、残虐な
fame / 名声、有名
So it was a shock when some upper class Romans - and even a few bloodthirsty, fame-hungry emperors- took to the arena to fight as gladiators.
jeer / ひやかす、やじる
unsuspecting / 疑っていない、怪しまない
Caligula kept his face hidden during fights,, until he heard jeers from unsuspecting members of the crowd.
stab / 刺す
He was stabbed to death in the year 41, after less than four years as emperor.
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