The author : Minna Lacey & Susanna Davidson
Publisher : USBORNE
Year of the publication : 2006
YL : 1.9
I will increase quantity to read more from now on.
carving / 彫刻
graffiti / 掻き文字、落書き
gravestone / 墓石
Professional graffiti artists advertise the show by carving messages wherever they can - on shop walls and even on gravestones.
feast / 祝宴
huge / 巨大な
a huge feast is held for the gladiators.
gorge / 食道
stare / じっと見つめる
slaughter / 殺すこと、大量殺人
Some gorge themselves on the fine food, while others just stare into space, sick at the thought of tommrow's slaughter.
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